Google Search Coverage Reports

Google Search answers many SEO-relevant questions that facilitate the optimization of your website. Learn how your website is perceived by search engines and which factors have an effect on your ranking.

Questions Google Search can answer

  • Which keywords lead users from search engines to your website?
  • Which SERP position does your website achieve for certain keywords?
  • Which websites set up backlinks that lead to your pages?
  • How effective is your SERP ranking? Total number of clicks, impressions etc.
  • How much taffic do your backlinks, shared contents and search engine crawls generate?
  • Are there crawl errors?
  • Is your website displayed correctly on different devices?
  • Which landing pages are part of the Google index of your website?

One tool, many options

Google Search answers all the important questions concerning your website performance to enable you to make optimizations where they are needed. In order to use the full potential of the tool, you should consult experienced SEO experts to evaluate and to control the user experience.