The structure of the URLs and meta tags of your website is more or less irrelevant for organic visitors, but they play a relevant role for SEO and social media marketing. Your links and meta descriptions should be as clear and short as possible.
Landing Page URLs
WordPress and Woo Commerce make it easy for hosts to adjust URLs as they like. Unfortunately, those long codes are impractical for social media posts. Online tools like bitly automatically shorten your links so you can easily incorporate them in posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others.
Meta Tags
Good meta descriptions and tags make it easier for search engines to crawl your website and categorize contents and keywords. The meta data is also shown in SERPs and snippets and function as the embodiment of your website. Successful postings on social media platforms show short meta descriptions which excite users to click your links and browse your website. You can accomplish this by incorporating a Call-to-Action phrase or with promising content (clickbait).