Technical analysis for your website

Users usually see only the tip of the iceberg when they browse through a certain domain. The majority of the underlaying processes are unfamiliar to entrepreneurs. B2B and B2C enterprises should update their websites frequently and optimize the underlaying tools in order to achieve a high ranking in search engines. But where should you start? Learn more about the benefits of technical web adjustments here:


To-Do List for your technical website optimization

  • Site map optimization
  • Crawl error analysis and optimization
  • Server configuration
  • URL optimization
  • Backlink analysis and optimization
  • Internal linking
  • Load time optimization
  • Content analysis (duplicate content, keywords etc.)
  • Terminal device optimization
  • SSL-certificate optimization (Secure Sockets Layer)
  • AMP tag creation (Accelated Mobile Pages)
  • Schema markup


Benefit from our experience

You don’t know much about terms like SSL, AMP, schema and crawl error? Don’t worry – our SEO experts come up with transparent strategies for the optimization of your homepage. We support your next campaign and give you an overview of current crawling and indexing strategies by search engines.